Celebrate May Day 2015!

May Day on the New Haven Green
International Workers Day 2015
Saturday, May 2nd from 12 noon to 5 pm
The Coalition Hip Hop
N-Finity Muzik
The Foresters
Peters, Bop Tweedie (singer songwriter), Baub Bidon (poet extraordinaire), Bread Is Rising Poetry Collective, May Pole Dance led by David Lindsay, Phil Dunlop (singer songwriter), The Caligulists! (punk), Snappy the Peas/ce Pod, Paul Hammer May Day Theatrical Surprise, Fun activities for kids throughout the day.
Rain date: Sunday, May 3rd
The Coalition Hip Hop
The Foresters - Afternoon
Thank You for Making May Day 2014 a Great Success!
May Day 2014 on the New Haven Green was a wonderful day!
It was a significant cultural event of great artists on stage and off providing inspiring music, creating art, including a huge mural and of course our May Pole Dance.
May Day brings a large segment of the local social justice, social service and labor organizations out to the Green to provide information.
May Day prides itself not only on the wealth of information provided to the public, but also on the productive networking that takes place and the intellectual discourse on important issues.
For all this, May Day is the result of the work of volunteers and the generosity of the groups and individuals whose financial contributions help to make May Day New Haven possible.
About May Day New Haven
Twenty-nine years ago a group of friends decided they wanted to create a May Day Festival on the Green in New Haven, CT. We formed the May Day Celebration Committee. We are all volunteers and the group is open to anyone who wants to help.
Our vision 28 years ago remains the same - to organize a multi-cultural festival that honors and celebrates our labor history and the labor, peace, social service and social justice groups that today continue the struggle for peace and human rights.